Just advertisingWhen I heard on this stage «Skomorokhov» - I felt sick. I was all by Meryl Beatle, and it appeared that in all respects «Skomorokhi» above - Fokin clearly scored on drums Ringo Starr, Gradskij sing like Lennon and McCartney together and chetyrehgolose «Skomorokhov» completely overlap watery Beatles chord.... Read more - New records remastered CD and the music!

About the Authors

We express our deep gratitude to Mikhail Mazel
- author of the portal "Synnegoria", for hosting in 2000-2004.

Express our deep gratitude to Irina Efimova for technical support and provided hosting in 2004-2006

The work on the site filling materials involved:

Photo: Oleg Belikov </ center>

The presentation " Anthology </ a > "</ center>

</ blockquote>

Authors of all significant additions to the site - will be quoted in order of receipt!
Upon receipt of additional materials may change the priority. </ dd>

and the music!