Just advertisingAs for the music, there is stupefaction, alignment. And suddenly there is a man like me. There are two ways - to try to hold on to the rest of my professional skills and make me compete. Or - to pretend that I do not. Then all will be good guys... Read more - Songs on the music and arrangement and the music!

About the opera conception of "The Master and Margarita"

At the beginning of the year among Runet music news, it was reported that, in 2000, Alexander Gradsky still going to start recording of his opera on the novel by MA Bulgakov's "Master and Margarita" ...
Let's try to play a brief history of this design with the words of the composer.

About the opera conception of 'The Master and Margarita' - Alexander Gradsky

Alexander Gradsky - Marina Raikin

"Interlocutor" № 12, March 1987 g.

- ... On the piano notes - but all strikethrough. It is difficult to make out ...

- Who is working on the opera "Master and Margarita" by Mikhail Bulgakov.

- be honest - not afraid to take on such work?

- To be honest - I do not want to take him. Libretto by Pavel Grushko lay in my eight years. I know that many musicians have tried to do something, afraid of speculation on the subject. And only two years ago - at a time when I did not have musical ideas - I got the libretto. I getting something to try. Friends came, I showed them the things ready. In their reactions it seemed to me that we should continue to work. Here I continue.

The internal passions, framed in a passionate music - that's what is interesting to the modern viewer. All this is in the novel. Therefore a sin to move away from the subject and come up with something of their own. We must try to capture the spirit of Bulgakov and pass it through music. I would like it to be an independent work, but in any case not a musical film adaptation, not to impose their reading.

- And yet, you see, it is difficult to imagine a musical embodiment of this novel.

- For me, Bulgakov's novel - Babel of various literary styles. He is eclectic in the best sense of the word. Naturally, there was a thought: Do not be in a musical style to do the same? That is to gather into a single musical language totally different genres, forms, styles, I speak. Will there cancan, hard rock, opera pieces and excerpts from Stravinsky, Strauss, Berlioz, Rossini. To musical performance was not variegated and diverse.

- It is an album?

- and perhaps triple or quadruple. Who knows? Many will be soloists, chorus. I want to involve those who participated in the recording of the rock opera "Stadium". That is all I can say.


Alexander Gradsky - S. Vladimirov

"Melody" № 2 (43), April, 1990 g.

- What I'm doing now. I continue to work on an opera based on the play of Pavel Grushko "was or was not." At the heart of it all - the novel by Mikhail Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita." I do three or four plates. Together with me - he Pasha Grushko, Sergey Zenko, our saxophonist Vladimir Vasilkov, drums, technical team: Vladimir Shilov, Viktor Glazkov Sergei Remizov. Work is interesting, as do the common cause and understand each other, and this is very important for creativity ...


Alexander Gradsky - M. Bolotovskii

"St. Petersburg Gazette", March 9, 1994 g.

- ... And what are you working on now? In the music world go some rumors about one of your great project ...

- Now I want to release the eight or nine compact plates with all their records, and during this time to prepare for the production of the opera "Master and Margarita", which I do for twelve years.

- But this work is not finished yet?

- Yes, she still has not started properly! This is a very serious work. In any case, the fact that her record, I have the consent of very famous people. Hvorostovsky, for example, no matter how strange. The level here is so.

- And other than the name, sorry for the lack of tact, in this opera is a little ... Bulgakov?

- You know, I really like Bulgakov, and this novel - one of my favorites. Of course, the opera - is something fundamentally different. But I try to be meticulous. I even sang the text, not the libretto, and a real singing prose text, so as not to be removed from Bulgakov. How it all out - do not know yet. It is because I am not sure whether it will be good, I'm afraid all of this to make public.

- But it is possible, by the beginning of the next century ...

- It is possible that before ...


Alexander Gradsky - Eugene Ezerskaya

"TV Park" № 14 (204), April 1998 g.

- ... i write fragments of the opera based on the novel "The Master and Margarita." It is synthetic, consisting of many musical genres, it will be like a novel. Writing is designed for CDs. Sometimes it is hard to believe that I would ever finish the work on the opera ...


I Prepared by Oleg Petukhov, June 18, 2000