Just advertisingThe concert was carbon monoxide in the club. Gradskij played guitar, bass Shakhnazarov, Gleb May flute, Bujnov to «Ionica,» Fokine clear on anything. People danced like mad... Read more - Songs on the music and arrangement and the music!

Ilya Smirnov


The Life and Death of Russian rock

© Smirnov, 1994
© Publishing House "INTE", 1994

(excerpts from the book)
Time of the bells


Red ties are not to blame. This is a rock pioneers. Of course, the word "pioneer" There is nothing wrong or funny, just like in the old Russian word "comrade." It is unlikely that we will be able to name the names of Soviet rock pioneers number one, two ... To do this, it would be a clear distinction between variety ensembles in the style of the 50s (they once played in movie theaters) and the actual fate - that is impossible and not necessary, because too sharp distinctions are more suited to the Criminal Code.

By the way, rockers do not yet know that they are "rockers". They are often called his music "bit" or even "pop music" (if that word had not yet acquired a tinge of cheap second-class).

With some confidence we can identify three cradle of rock music: Moscow, Leningrad and Riga. Editor of the St. Petersburg independent rock magazine RIO Burlaka Andrew writes that back in '63, has made the kind of loudspeakers speakers, best suit the youth of the first "seyshena" in Peterhof. Around the same time in the Latvian capital engaged in similar activities Pete Anderson (MELODY MEYKERZ) and Alex Murin, whose published memoirs, "The Soviet youth" (Murin S. When the rock was still young. Soviet youth, Riga, 24.10, 12.12, 1987). And in Moscow, Alexander Gradsky began performing with a group of Polish students "Cockroach".

Along with the foreign pioneers began to appear and the first purely domestic groups: Brothers, FALCON, Red Devils, WINDS OF CHANGE, Slavs (Moscow), Argonaut, Flamingo, GALAXY, WOOD BROTHERS (Leningrad). For example, the legendary Sokol reached a fairly high level of professionalism and began to include in their songs in their native language - on the fashion in those days, subject: the sun, and love, love, and the sun ...

While in Moscow in the 60s was dominated by English-speaking group, followed by Sokolov here at home texts have sought to move and others: buffoon, headed by the ubiquitous Alexander Gradsky, Mirage, RUSSIA ...

Snowflakes on your face

Melt from the heat.

Tanya, darling, tell me:

What are you crying yesterday?

What's tears, the tears that

on your cheeks flowed

in two streams, two of the stream ...


But even these few examples were drowned in an endless sea of ensembles, our youth acquainted with the novelties of foreign rock - the latest hits of THE BEATLES, ROLLING STOUN3, Beach Boys and others, as far as possible reproducing them one by one.

As you can see, many of then sang in English, many are simply copied - and the clothes and the demeanor on stage - his Anglo-Saxon colleagues and mentors. With regard to "their" songs, when they are closer examination turned out to be either more translations than original works, or ... do not want to offend anyone, but later this level of text would suit except that some rundown Philharmonic VIA. Although these obvious facts, and there is nothing offensive: in the process of development of any cultural tradition of imitation - a completely natural and necessary first step. That's how our ancestors mastered in the XVII century experience of European painting, classical music and literature.

With regard to the quality of the texts, the audience then drew on it no more attention than the killing sound "kinapovskih" (from "Cinema Equipment") columns. Music, "seyshenovy" ritual, communication - these are the social and aesthetic core of rock at the time, so rockers remained alien to the bard of content texts.

Rock the 60's was seen as an alternative to the mass soviet song, and VIA - Songs of the 70s - not that other, as a surrogate of early rock, the product of his Philharmonic degeneration. Some superficial similarities (themes of love, nature, the sublime abstraction) should not deceive us.

Poultry A. Gradsky

Man Conservatory: "serious" composer, pianist, guitarist, singer opera (performed at the Bolshoi Theatre Astrologer difficult part in the "Golden Cockerel") - he himself is living proof of how bad a creative person fits into the sociological scheme. From the beginning he was not a musician of a certain group: in the 60s and spoke with Polish cockroaches, and with English-speaking Slavs, with instrumental SKIF, a native Mexican-LOS Panchos, and finally - with the native-Russian group of buffoons. This is where the name of the team is given the meaning, not just for the sake of a witticism. (Although, who knows, maybe the word Cockroach means a lot to those who lived in a dormitory of Moscow State University). Gradsky in Skomorokhov managed at the turn of 60 - 70s in some way to anticipate the major creative achievement 80: Russian national model of rock music, "folklorization" synthesis of rock and bardic traditions. His "Poultry Farm" was written 12 years before Ryzhenko, God, and Panov realized that rock can still be:

Oh, Mary did not come on a date-d,

see she did not like our Vanya,

Viktor led her to the restaurant -

Dokladat information about sex.

However, the ballad Gradsky still had an optimistic ending: "and in the morning people are seen - Chairman of the farm built a new chicken farm" (instead of the one that burned with grief Vanya). Final, executed at the limit of unique features vocalist proclaims that "Love and rise from the ashes like a bird FE...RMA!"

"We had more fun - explains himself Gradsky. - There may be more port wine drunk"(Monolichnost. Interview with Alexander M. Timasheva Gradsky. The theatrical life. In 1990. number 9).

But unlike their younger counterparts, Gradsky able - in spite of port wine - we have become the only real (in the Western sense) by a professional.

When in the 89th year on the presentation of the album "Greenpeace" in Moscow will gather famous rockers of the metropolitan areas, the cooperative will be arranged pub meal and a little "jam." Not at all embarrassed by the quality of Soviet restaurant equipment and dancing in the hall, the stars will play classic rock 'n roll. And it turns out that none of our fellow citizens simply can not withstand the test of an elementary - to participate in this "jam" together with the brothers in the craft. None - except Gradsky.

Still, the most surprising thing about this man more. The undoubted talents in "serious" music early enough, back in the 70s, he opened the door "official" culture: movies, records, official tour. However, contrary to the laws of nature, was a Gradsky - not degraded in any creative or in human terms, the vast majority of rockers who switched to work in the Philharmonic. Maybe about "Furious stroyotryad" him to sing and should not - but "stranger passer-by," the formal meeting the criteria, "Sov. Pop" - it's still not "owls. Hits", and art.

Apparently, Gradsky (as opposed to low-educated counterparts) supported the classical cultural tradition Bernc and Sasha Cherny, old Russian songs and Beethoven. And independent nature, which is fully manifested during Andropov's repression. But talking about it ahead. And yet - in the 70 - ahead of time, the "father of Russian rock" remained a lone cowboy of the noisy carnival hippie culture: he was respected, but the direction is not defined it.


It is easy to see how well this has coincided with the aesthetics as understood "author's song" Vladimir Vysotsky. The funeral of the first grains of steel, on precise observation Gradsky A., his "last concert" and a major event in Russian history - in fact it was the first mass political demonstration in Moscow in 1927, when the Trotskyists have dared to take to the streets against the government.

Now despotism was setting. And even a substantial "Olympic" cleaning of Moscow, on the streets in July 1980 that there were more men in uniform (designed with the Union) than in plain clothes, did not prevent the great mass of people (estimated at about 150 thousand militia, people) to come to the theater Taganka to last farewell to its poet. When the power in an insulting manner denied to people even in this (the right to say good-bye), cordons of police, KGB and the Olympic blue "vigilantes" (especially for foreigners in jaunty uniforms) were swept away, and a huge area filled Taganskaya human sea. Here and there there were clashes with police. Rose over the overpass mural "Our Soviet way of life" to which the young men climbed to the top to see the theater. It is not clear for what, they were there to pull off, and finally, was a simple peasant proletarian form, he was sitting in the center panel with a bull calf "Belomor" in his mouth, and his dirty boots up just on the word "Soviet." And the two sides to it approached dark gray figures with explicit intentions.

And then the whole area as the team turned to this panel, and said, "Do not you dare". That is, all shouting different things, who "guardsmen" who - "Shame!" Who - "Down", but it has turned out such a powerful cry of the 100-thousand-headed creatures that gray figures froze. And snaps a few seconds of silent scene: little man with the "White Sea," two figures of the Saltykov-Shchedrin him with outstretched hands, and under all this mess the inscription: "Our Soviet way of life."

I remember those who stood shoulder to shoulder, then on the area: working Dubossarskii Lenya, conceptual artist Sven Gundlach, master the ways of the station "Likhobory" Sergey Semin, mathematician Gene Matusow ...

That was the future audience of rock musicians 80.


The first harbinger of a large cooling of the publication "Komsomolskaya Pravda", "Ragout of the blue bird", prepared by some N. Krivomazovym, but endowed with, as expected, signed by prominent cultural figures (Ragout of blue birds. Komsomolskaya Pravda, 11.04.1982).

The article contained a delusional accusations completely harmless while roskontsertovskoy MACHINES. In general, it must be admitted that the "Komsomolskaya Pravda", which ran the music department Filinov Yu, always with enthusiasm Komsomol stood at the forefront of regular harassment. Sometimes, even ahead of the official signal, "Fass".

The signal in a loud voice was heard after the death of the aged emperor, what pity is it that those who have once again missed the concert ZOO, canceled due to bereavement. Yuri Andropov took the throne, according to rumors and intelligent fan of jazz. His reign was marked not only raids in shops and baths, worthy of Glupov Shchedrin, but the restoration of the Stalinist terror - when it again began to seize and torture of ordinary people, not related to politics. Among the musicians.

Сей лидер, до сих пор поминаемый с ностальгией, из-за плохого состояния здоровья не успел осуществить ни одной самой маленькой реформы (если не считать новой водки по 4 р. 10 коп.). Однако ему хватило и времени, и сил для другого. Поэтому нынешние холуи, проклиная Горбачева как слишком доброго барина, очень грамотно находят в прошлом свой идеал.

So, at the beginning of 1983 the bureaucracy and the associated pop-mafia circles of rock music to announce a war of annihilation.

The crime of our genre, as we shall see, was not only a repertoire of sociality (which is also important), but primarily in the rapidly growing popularity and influence on young people of a certain force, which essentially do not fit into the feudal-bureaucratic structure. This alien force should share the fate of individual peasants, artisan cooperatives and academic self-government.

Understanding, or rather the nature of conscious folk rock movement, the government directed the main attack against its mass base. The Ministry of Culture of the USSR were uttered a word about goal-setting, which is the 82nd year in the country there are 29,352 "vocal-instrumental ensembles" (it is unclear where this number?), And the need to reduce their number to zero, to return the youth to such tried and tested forms of leisure, as brass bands and popular song. Businesses, educational institutions and the Young Communist League were forbidden to organize dancing parties without the specific authorization regional department of culture and trade union organizations - "unauthorized use" their own (!) Zvukousilitelnuyu equipment and tools.

This great monument of thought - a joint resolution of the Secretariat of the CIM Young Communist League, State Boards of Culture, State narobrazovaniya, vocational training and the Secretariat of State MGSPS "On measures to regulate the activities of amateur pop-music groups in Moscow" - was reprinted in "Urla" № 11 for the general, and not just internal use only. In most cities, including in the capital, all the musicians stopped issuing any official papers. To avoid future inter-cracks (between minkulturovskimi offices, trade unions and the Communist Youth League), which often seeped through something living, control of the "folk art" was concentrated in the so-called "scientific-methodical center of folk art" (the name itself gives a madhouse). Another web has spread across the country: from the center to the periphery were lists of "banned music", under which the customs were to seize discs Pink Floyd. The lists include all Soviet rock groups mentioned in the press, without regard to their repertoire.

To the aid of experts from IDS have been thrown other professionals with available universal means of solving social problems. In February 1983 speech to the Aquarium was interrupted by the appearance of MIEM employees GB. The next concert just did not take place (they were more responsive). While our colleagues in the offices of the authorities played the fool in front of the guests are not logged in civilian clothes (the "Panel AQUARIUM first saw on TV ...") "system" in general, power diverted to the suburbs. The next big tour of BG & Co. (Zhukovsky, Zelenograd, Dolgoprudny) were without complications. In May, our colleagues from the "fineness" of the system in DC "The Commune" visited by uninvited guests at once from the GB and the Anti-Corruption Squad. By that time, had come from Leningrad STRANGE GAMES, as usual in Moscow, without success - dissatisfied with their abstract and abstruse texts of the people shouted: "Troubadours from the stage!" and demanding group ASH. But do not wait. This time it was launched a formal inquiry on the grounds of Art. 153 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (private entrepreneurship).

The same two bodies covered himself and our ZOO in Troitsk near Moscow. We even did not have time to start. The local Komsomol immediately shown on the Litovka as the organizer.

- You took a committee of Komsomol 600 tickets? - Strictly asked him.

— J.

— And where you are their cases?

— Lost in the subway.

— And where did this crowd at the entrance?

- They must have found it.

Then one of the critics went out on the porch and asked the crowd: "Who wants to get back the money?" A crowd of up to 20 meters ebb. Meanwhile, the unemployed, Mike went into the woods with an acoustic guitar and sang there for everyone. By the way, Troitsk, and were distributed to people on a p. 37 kopecks. (minus the cost of the machine and train tickets).

After this adventure we have set for managers and distributors of large quantities of tickets required instruction on the Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code. As an application of "Wuhu" W. Albrecht distributed a brochure "How to be a witness" (the most useful book which I had to hold in their hands.) At about this time until the 87th, I did not engage in any conversation about rock 'dealings with the apartment phone. Devised such methods conspiracy that people are confused they do: it could be a long time to think the meaning of the words: "There are two fish, a male and a female," and did not guess that the speaker offers you two tickets to the Aquarium.

One of their own to overcome all the differences between our teams and the fineness of: danger, as we consolidated the Persian invasion - the ancient Greeks. And "our" repertoire of Leningrad was not so much primitive as they thought, and "their" Trojan Olesya - an excellent performer of romances and songs about tough "karlomarksovy portrait" concerts at the apartment. In a typical hippie Olesin flat, painted on plaster butterflies and flowers, gathered and "Advanced Member" hippie "experienced" and Amanita, and AVTOUDOVLETVORITELI and chief designer of "soup" Nepaharev painted her portrait for the magazine.

In August he was arrested Alexei Romanov (SUNDAY) and sound (probably the most talented in Moscow) - Alexander Arutyunov. They were charged with "private business" in the form of concerts and performances with the distribution of recordings of his own songs. The investigation of this case led the woman by the name of Travin (from the police department Mosoblispolkoma). Rest of the group was saved miraculously summoned for questioning later, they had time to consult with lawyers (and correspondence - with W. Albrecht), so questions about whether they received royalties from the Komsomol and trade union organizations - namely that, in the absence of more , was ordered to be considered criminals - neproshibaemym answered "no", despite the complete idiocy of such a response. (It turned out that part of the group was working for money, and some - for free). However, plant for the idiocy of the order has been received. So they remained until the end of the process of witnesses - in contrast to Romanov, who said "yes" (as would make most people in his position, not seeing any crime to obtain compensation from the trade union official for quite a concert.) Romanov has taken his famous red "Fender" with the words "Bullet" - what a boy-major on it now practicing? - And all the money from the checkbooks of the mother (so could not pay the lawyers.)

Officially excited it was so SUNDAY axial axis around which our invisible enemy modeled his work on the joy of a new monarch, which, however, there was little he delighted in the Kremlin hospital. Not by chance in those days it untwisted cartoonist Sysoev, accused of pornography in cartoons of the leaders (thus the last officially equated to the genitals), it made ??it possible to conduct searches in any of the artist, not even familiar with the accused. The precedent was very important. After his arrest, Romanov and Arutyunova in police on the street. Belinsky dragged everyone who was involved in the rock 'n' roll. Name a famous critique of art history emphasize the interests of the investigators.

A method of establishing the truth were as follows: for example, caused by Travin as a witness in an electronics engineer at the Kurchatov Institute has not returned home and was taken to jail an unknown city near Moscow, where he spent three days in the chamber at a temperature of not more than +7 ° (were cold and inside all iced over), with little or no food. Every day a man came to him and said, "Sign it, which gave 800 rubles Romanov - you are released." The engineer knew that after that he will come to freedom - and nothing is signed. Therefore, exactly three days, when the expired time limit for detention without cause and without warrants, he was released.

Tonya, however, was filled with the desire to prove that we are not afraid, and offered to hold concerts in December in DC AQUARIUM them. Rusakov (constructivist enormous Palace of Culture in Sokolniki). She took over the organizational and technological issues, which had much more experience (high-quality equipment, negotiate with the CD). We Litovko responsible for finance, and "security service". Thus, in addition to Romanovsky, almost came second big deal.

The day before, on December 2, Tonya, are amazingly intuitive, was forced to admit that "knowingly contacted." She felt that she "must take place sucks." With the same feelings I went to her for a morning meeting (which was supposed to bring money from the distribution of tickets) to 10 rubles. in your pocket. However, fifteen meters behind me moved Vladimir Manaev of Zelenograd. He was in the hands of a string bag rolls, looking very fresh and delicious, but completely inedible inside. Tonya did not know Manaeva (generally in the internal affairs of our group maintained complete independence). So my friend drove Zelenograd us unnoticed through Moscow.

- What do you think we are now graze? - I asked the silent companion.

- Why? Would take on the arrow.

- But the young man with buns? - I continued. - He will rule us?

- It does not look like - meet Tonya (and was right).

On the street, when we got into the car, Manaev with the words "You've lost something," gave us provisions.

However, this does not instilled the beginning of joy, because that morning it became clear that the aquarium, although it arrived in Moscow to come to DC Rusakov not going to. What happened, we did not know. Meanwhile, according to reports from DC, there came others: almost all law enforcement agencies in Moscow. But for some reason the concert was not canceled. We have before us the prospect of getting up, light a fire of Rome under Nero: the huge crowd to hear that seyshen disrupted by the fault of the organizers and musicians who may behave unpredictably. Not even-tempered hour, there are fools and scoundrels, which would require "grandmother back" ... In short, it was necessary to replace the aquarium three hours before the concert. We honestly told the musicians what (and who) they will be in Sokolniki, and we blame those who refused. But Sasha Gradsky accepted without further conversation.

Contracted to a DC police department headed by a colonel in the form of three. (I do not know how many in plain clothes) at the entrance where tickets are checked, some viewers were seized without explanation and were taken to the offices for questioning, "Where did knew about the concert, where he got a ticket." But the emergence of several Gradsky confuse the program. Gradsky sitting all alone on the stage and looked into the gloomy hall (afraid to come to him as to Sakharov in Gorky).

Tonya is also feared (and rightly) a member of the DC. Barely alive from the cold, she stood in a corner of a number. But she had to pass into the money and documents. "I'll take it" - said one of her assistants, reckless Lenya Agranovich, and took the package. But then it stopped. Police have not yet, and already known to the reader Lelik: "Give me a better bag!" Agranovich taken at the entrance, and was able to safely pass Lelik the warm hospitality room.

The concert began with the fact that some bastard yelled, "Let's Aquarium!" (although all of our guys explained what had happened, and is unlikely to remain at least one person in the audience who would not know it). Alexander B. looked at the shouting from the aristocratic contempt (as a Roman patrician on the pubic louse), and said into the microphone: "Well, shut up while I was not pulled your head". After that, brought stunned colonels "Monologue loaf for 28" Black and Sasha in full:

seen eh, my children, photography

in Russian newspapers?

seen elect the best, worth

and right of the right?

In the face of silence Peer,

paper in his hand stretched,

quietly welcoming the wisdom

amiable nature ...

Naturally, the colonels, not read Sasha Black, not for a moment doubted whose face it we have in mind (as well as a large part of the hall, are not spoiled bibliographically rare classics). Now they have decided that unless the organizers of the psycho "on ugolovke" as though the singer for the policy. To their great disappointment escaped with a reprimand Gradsky through Mosconcert and powerful raid yielded only a few statements like: "Tickets I lectured at the underground force persons of Caucasian appearance, in a plaid jacket." Explain that the original "free" tickets did not give grounds for a criminal investigation into the speculation. A mysterious Caucasian-altruist, wandering in a jacket in the frosts, has since then we have a popular hero.


Open the collision occurred Dec. 6 86th year in a cafe "Snowstorm." The Young Communist League decided to hold a "day of creative young people," and identified each genre one of the central cafe on Kalinka. Rockers put in the "broom" good machine "from Namin," and while crossing distributed strictly bureaucratic, the whole "popolnaya mafia" came to gawk at the new sober image of a former brothel fartsov and drug addicts. But before Garik Sukachev, Choi and others will take up the guitar, was assumed to be "open discussion". One microphone is placed on the table, leading (solid journalist who has the same relation to the rock, as I have to castrated boars), and three pieces distributed trusted people in the room (and later, you'll learn why). In the midst of dismal tyagomotina to the microphone broke Gradsky, right in the coat and waving in the wind has not yet begun restructuring the long scarf. His half-hour did not miss the cafe Squad.

- What the hell are you talking about? - He asked. - What are the "path of development of Soviet rock"? Who do you tell them? Ministry of Culture, or what? Shavyrin the owl? What ever be the way of development, except those which exist in the world where there are no artistic council, and any musician who wants to listen to the people, has the right to speak in front of him ...

At the first words Gradsky holders microphones suddenly remembered that should tell you something very important: about the Beatles, about his great-grandmother, and drummed into the microphone carefully learned the game. But the owner of operatic voices Gradsky only laughed in their face, and traitorous technique aside, covered the slight ligament strain background naminskih speakers.

- Look, - he announced, pointing to a theatrical gesture Mamonova - that's Peter, a good musician. If he gets the stadium - even gets ten thousand for the concert. Only a cam, not parasites ...

In reply Peter came down with reproaches ... on Gradsky. From his not very articulate text can be understood that the artistic council needed as to protect the people from the "vulgarity". Komsomol members smiled (a new game gave the first fruits), and insulted in the best feelings Gradsky said that he considered it beneath their dignity to participate further in this empty get-together, wrapped himself a coat and left. Sasha did not know what Mamonova just been appointed a member of the artistic council.

Having started the scandal, scandal, and this day is over. Peter came from glory, "Alice" on the scene retarded penetration against the will of the organizers and performed a couple of the coolest things, "Antiromantiku" and "spy mania". Glory is not represented by Alice, a new group of Nate - you can read, and in Russian and in English.

on my TV, the tanks are on the ice,

winter and today is still far from the heat.

When the Young Communists came to the meaning of the word "Hate" in English, they are frightened to cut down the current ... Choi. The crowd were added to the evening of the same black-marketeers, that 10 years ago, only a fraction of drums singing along with Victor "train": "The train takes me wherever I want," while the switchboard initiative group has already started to beat the electrician-lover with a red "His ID."

Later, all the newspapers wrote what a serious cultural event took place that evening at the central pubs.


In December Gradsky and Margarita Pushkina, after endless prohibitions and walking around the offices, up to A. Yakovlev, finally allowed to hold rock scene in the Luzhniki Stadium. God forgive me, AB, but I still can not understand why she needed him. After complete masters to his ball found the gray bureaucratic team headed by our old friend Bazarova that the first thing suspended from participation in Leningrad. Simply this: that the service did not seem to honey. Gradskij then by all means pulling CLOUDY LOCATION: represented them before the concert at the "Recording", inserted in the broadcast, which is allowed, then denying, he still allowed to carry on Fridays, promoted abroad and, of course, invited to the Luzhniki. Taught by bitter experience of God has brought not only the "Lithuanians", but also trade union activist from Arkhangelsk, ready to confirm their authenticity. Bazarov, however, in his usual manner, a highly cultured provincials stated that their scythes at Archangel Luzhniki invalid (I wonder what else they could get in Arkhangelsk - Vietnamese, or what?) And pointed to the door. Luzhniki staff were forbidden to fend CLOUDY edge to the scene.

A good woman, who arrived with the children far away from Arkhangelsk, barely held back tears as God and Rautkin received a proletarian: accepted a glass of fortified and climbed into a fight with the Communist Youth League's operas, and then appeared at the police station, where Gradsky with great difficulty they extracted.

Some consolation northern Vikings could be that the next day, they still were in the newly opened Rock Club Energy Institute, and after the concert, an enthusiastic crowd of metallers Bogaev pulled from the scene and had the room on his hands. Meanwhile, in the "Moscow News" published a notice of establishment of the federation Rock out its program. The last paragraph contains a brief assessment of the merits of Bazarova and C ° to Russian culture.

And so with a sense of accomplishment in a timely manner, we set off with his comrades in the Luzhniki, where, as we know, drink coffee in the cupboard at least half "selenovskih" delegates. And the first one who comes to meet - the very rock of the CIM Komsomolets, who, it turns out, is entrusted with registration of our Constitution in the Supreme Council. As he registered it, you can guess for yourself. And he was down on my head for the accusations that the "extremist" publication in the "Moscow News" we have damaged a serious, systematic work according to the prestige of the Federation in the "top" and generally undermine the unity of the rock movement.

"Unity with whom?" - I laughed, but looking back on the face of recent protocol of like-minded, I realized that they held "serznaya and systematic" outreach offices in Luzhniki. Thus, the Union Federation rockers ceased to exist. Amen.

Later there was another gathering, which was not even able to draw up a document in support of ALICE, subjected to harassment in Leningrad after the so-called "coco scam" (discussed later). A panorama of the rock with an abundance of parties, mostly philharmonics, remained in the memory, perhaps, only NAUTILUS, ALIBI myself Gradsky.

After that, ousted in the shadow of "the sons of the silent days," drew the right conclusions about the direction in which the barometer of shifting market conditions.

It is at Rock-Panorama were sown those seeds that germinated after two years on the bones of rock faces well-cared movement, denouncing Lenin and glorifying the white officers in a sincere manner in which they also called us urgently to go to BAM. It is unlikely that this Gradsky sought. But then, this writer sought something else.

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