Just advertisingThis CD gives the listener a unique opportunity not only to get acquainted with the dark, in the Andalusian style, an early work of Alexander Gradsky much to hear how all sounded the first rock band from Moscow, besides the obvious inspiration from the aesthetics of the high baroque. No concessions to the market, such as: limitter, compressor, or shuffle through the channels - there is only the advance of musical sensitivity listener, the nuances of dynamics and contrasts of sonorities able to assess the composer and the performance level of both the author and his colleagues in the group «Skomorochi»... Read more - New records remastered CD and the music!

"Машине Времени - ХХ"

1989 - 2 LP, Live
Стерео С69 31127 006 (2 пластинки)
(c) ВПТО "Фирма Мелодия", 1991
Всесоюзная студия грамзаписи
Запись юбилейного концерта 27 мая 1989 г.
во Дворце спорта "Лужники"

Машине Времени - ХХ
Звукорежиссер А. Ветр. Редактор Н. Кацман.
Художник В. Иванов. Фото Е. Матвеева
Апрелевский ордена Ленина завод грампластинок
1991 г., Зак. 735. Тираж 30000

and the music!