Just advertisingI understood immediately why he jumped out the window. This is a win-win situation. His head forward like he fell down and I seen all the others - the flight into the heavens, dramatically throw back his face, his hair flying, arms outstretched, eyes fixed on the unknown... Read more - Songs on the music and arrangement. So, it all started with the «Skomorokhov» in 1966, where you played with Gradsky, Buynova and Shakhnazarov. What began themselves «Skomorokhs»? and the music!

Mom married

Interview with Stepan Mikhalkov, son
Vertinskaya Anastasia and Nikita Mikhalkov

The Source: Magazine "Caravan of stories»

March 2001

Mom married - Alexander Gradsky

- And you how to experience the eternal theme of "Mother married» ?

All of his childhood and youth nobody took me as her son. She remained young and beautiful, and I have a husband, and she was very flattered when we were taken for a brother and sister. Since my childhood I knew that she is famous and she has fans who call, give flowers, love it. But there were severe cases ... One crazy butch aunt, who worked as a janitor at the zoo, pursued her everywhere, even to the police, we were treated to get rid of her. I once went out with a toy iron cannon, aunt crept up, take it away from me and great blow to the head. Apparently upset that you can not even communicate with your favorite actress.

I was always jealous of my mother in the house when the man appeared. She's after his father was only one official marriage, though not for long - Sasha Gradsky. When they were married, he said proudly, "Well, Anastasia, now you will Gradskaya Anastasia!" My mother immediately found: "Maybe I will, but you will not be Alexander Vertinsky never!"

They fell in love when my mother and I had a rest in Crimea. Next on the mountain was defeated MAI camp. Gradskij gave concerts there. I remember we went to his performance - he was very popular. He impressed me with the fact that he managed to sing with a guitar standing on one leg in a cast when the other was lying on a chair. My mother could not take her eyes from him enthusiastic, and I sat side by side, perplexed: how can you fall in love with such a hairy-legged and that also sings so loud ?! Once we went to visit him. I had a long, 25-minute, uphill climb the stairs. (Sasha among maishnikov was "in authority" - in his tent on the mountain stones someone laid out lovingly Gradskij.) We stayed in a tent to spend the night, and I immediately hated of all. The only thing that I have reconciled with fate, - I could with impunity, steal and smoke my mother's cigarettes.

More married mother did not come, though, of course, the fans were ... I think my mother is difficult to find a man who would suit her in every way: the creative, human, that would be the person worthy of her ...