Just advertisingWhen it is apparent propensity for black robes called Gradsky black sheep well, does not work. This flock flew the wrong way. Russian rock music has gone a different way than the world, the main trend is the consistent professionalization. Gradskij chose to go with the music of the world... Read more - Songs on the music and arrangement. So, it all started with the «Skomorokhov» in 1966, where you played with Gradsky, Buynova and Shakhnazarov. What began themselves «Skomorokhs»? and the music!

Романс Неморино

Из оперы Доницетти "Любовный напиток"

Una furtiva lagrima negli occhi suoi spunto...

Quelle festose giovani invidiar sembro...

Che piu cercando io vo?

M'ama, lo vedo.

Un solo istante i palpiti del suo bel cor sentir!..

Co' suoi sospir confondere per poco i miei sospir!...

Cielo, si puт morir; di piu non chiedo.

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